• +250787263915 / +250788305148
  • contact@ajecl.org.rw
  • Mageragere, Nyarugenge, Kigali, Rwanda

. Vision .

AJECL aspires to “a society in which lives youth with integrity, dignity and apostle of peace; youth imbued with human, civic and moral values, allowing it be able to make a free critical judgment to what society says or does like Saint Charles Lwanga “.

. Objectives .

To educate young people with human, moral and civic values, enabling them to discern and choose in all circumstances what is good and dignified without being diverted by illusory promise or by moral or physical threats, just like the young martyrs of Uganda under the direction of Charles Lwanga.

. Mission .

AJECL mission is to educate young people to become mature citizens, capable of resisting all kinds of manipulation and exploitation; able to fight by non-violent means for peace, justice; and for integrated socio-economic progress for all”.

We Are AJECL, And This Means More!

AJECL stands for Association de Jeunes de Saint Charles Lwanga (AJECL) customized in English as Association of Youths of Saint Charles Lwanga. We are a nonprofit organization established in October 2004 in the District of Nyarugenge, City of Kigali by Abbé Théogène IYAKAREMYE with a group of young people of the Nyamirambo Parish under the encouragement of the late Father GASANA Emmanuel, who was the parish priest. AJECL obtained the legal personality in the year 2008 by the Ministerial Decree No. 58/11 18/04/2008 published in the J. O. 4 of the January 26, 2009. It is registered in Rwanda Governance Board on 11th June 2013. AJECL has been created with a purpose of providing its modest contribution to the implementation of solutions of problems facing the Rwandan society...

What We Do

Since its creation, AJECL has carried out some activities which have left a considerable impact to the targeted communities. A decade and half, AJECL proves itself to be an outstanding local non-governmental organization to design, implement and monitor important and big initiatives:

Entrepreneurial support for young people

Entrepreneurial support concerns young people with low incomes organized in Saving & Internal Lending Communities ( SILCs).

Gwizamahoro clubs

The Gwiza Ahamoro Club is a Youth School whose aim is to educate generations of Rwandans that their history should unite rather than separate them.

Gwizamahoro cup competition

As part of the promotion of the culture of brotherhood and peace through active non-violence during this century, the AJECL, in collaboration with the parishes, organizes sports...

A vocational training school

Since 2015, AJECL has been organizing a 6-month training course for poor girls and single mothers in nyarugenge district in sewing at its Igicumbi cy’amahoro Center for ...

The annual International Day of Peace Celebration

Since 2017, AJECL has joined the world every year to celebrate the International Day of Peace, on September 21. On this occasion, a mass for peace in Rwanda, in the Great Lakes Region, ...

Advocacy activities to encourage Rwanda to join the TPNW

Since January 22, 2021, nuclear weapons are subject to a global treaty-based outright ban for the first time. This is a historic achievement that ...


AJECL is affiliated with Pax Christi International. It is a partner of ICAN (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons). It is a member of the Great Lakes Fraternity Network (RFGL).

A vocational training school

Since 2015, AJECL has been organizing a 6-month training course in sewing at its Igicumbi cy’amahoro Center for young single mothers or those living in risky family relationships.


Gwiza Amahoro Program 2100.

AJECL has succeeded to propose to the Rwandan society a long-term program that guides all AJECL initiatives up to 2100.


Enterpreneurial Capacity Of Cooperatives

We are a pioneer in strengthening the entrepreneurial Capacity of cooperatives in Rwanda.


Vocational Training

AJECL constructed a Center for training in arts and crafts in Mageragere Sector known as Centre de Formation en Arts et Métier (CEFAM).


Huguka Dukore Akazi Kanoze Project

We look for possible partnerships with organizations and people with whom we share the same dreams of helping young people.


Donors & Partners

To execute our differents programms we collaborate with different Donors & Partners.
Together we achieve more...

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Follow what we are doing to achieve our goals through the updates we publish.
Kwigisha ubuzima bw’imyororokere ntibikwiye gufatwa nk’ubushizi bw’isoni cyangwa ngo bifatwe nk’icyaha,

Kwigisha ubuzima bw’imyororokere ntibikwiye gufatwa nk’ubushizi bw’isoni cyangwa ngo bifatwe nk’icyaha,

Bamwe mu bihayimana basanga kwigisha ubuzima bw’imyororokere bidakwiye gufatwa nk’ubushizi bw’isoni cyangwa ngo bifatwe nk’icyaha, ibi kandi bigashimangirwa na bamwe mu rubyiruko by’umwihariko urwigishirizwa imyuga mu kigo cy’umuryango AJECL; barimo ababyariye iwabo bitewe no kutagira amakuru ahagije ku buzima bw’imyororokere. Aba bakobwa barimo ababyariye iwabo ; bavuga ko ahanini babitewe no kutagira amakuru ahagije ku buzima bw’imyororokere, nyamara ariko kuri ubu…

AJECL iri kwigisha urubyiruko rw’abakobwa imyuga y’ubudozi n’ububoshyi mu murenge wa Mageragere, akarere ka Nyarugenge,

AJECL iri kwigisha urubyiruko rw’abakobwa imyuga y’ubudozi n’ububoshyi mu murenge wa Mageragere, akarere ka Nyarugenge,

Imyuga y’ubudozi n’ububoshyi, aho abayiga basoza bafite urwego rwa Level one, niyo Abakobwa barimo ababyariye iwabo hamwe n’abatarabyara bigishirizwa ahitwa ku gicumbi cy’Amahoro n’umuryango AJECL; mu murenge wa Mageragere mu karere ka Nyarugenge. Grace Ishimwe na Umutesi Giselle Mireille babyariye iwabo; bavuga ko kwiga iyi myuga; biri gutuma batakongera kwishora mu ngeso zatuma bongera kubyarira iwabo. Ku ruhande rw’abatarabyariye iwabo…

Umuryango AJECL, wahurije hamwe abapadiri bashinzwe uburezi kugira ngo ubasobanurire ibikorwa byawo bityo nabo babigiremo uruhare.

Umuryango AJECL, wahurije hamwe abapadiri bashinzwe uburezi kugira ngo ubasobanurire ibikorwa byawo bityo nabo babigiremo uruhare.

Ashingiye ku kuba AJECL iri mu isabukuru y’imyaka 20 ikora, Padiri Iyakaremye Theogene washinze uyu muryango mu mwaka wa 2004, avuga ko yifuza ko Abapadiri benshi bamenya imikorere ya AJECL bityo bakayigiramo uruhare kandi ibikorwa byayo bakabigira ibyabo, ari nayo mpamvu yahereye ku bapadiri bashinzwe uburezi, kugira ngo bafashe AJECL kurera urubyiruko mu muco w’ubuvandimwe. Padiri Iyakaremye Theogene, avuga ko…

Donors & Partners

To execute our differents programms we collaborate with different Donors & Partners.
Together we achieve more...

Magerage, Nyarugenge,
Kigali, Rwanda


